Structured Efforts, Seamless Achievements


Collaborating for Heritage

Empowering Through Unity

The Restory project is divided into several workpackages, each dedicated to a specific aspect of cultural heritage preservation and community engagement. These collaborative efforts include project management, investigation of local cultural heritage, education and training, communication and dissemination of results, identifying needs and replicating models, and ensuring ethical compliance.

WP1 Project Management

Efficient management for dynamic results

The coordinator of the project and the partner team leaders are responsible for the implementation of an efficient and dynamic project management, which includes: elaborating and verifying administrative documents, selecting and contracting all personnel, organizing working meetings with partners and within its own team, acquisition of all materials, equipment, supplies, services for the project, ensuring the correct procedure for externalizations, ensuring transparency, assigning responsibilities for each person, and monitoring the ways the tasks are accomplished. The other team members will have a limited contribution to the project management, mainly by providing all administrative documents required and by completing annual reports on their activities. However, small managing tasks will be assigned to young researchers to gain experience in project management. All partners are responsible for implementing their WP1 share and contributing to the consortium management. WP1 includes the risk and quality management as well for Restory with control mechanism for the effective implementation of the deliverables and the quality management of the publication process. Moreover, WP1 is responsible for implementing the data management plan and monitoring of the respect of ethical principles concerning intellectual property, favors ethnical diversity, gender equality and open, democratic, and unbiased dissemination of knowledge. All partners are, however, responsible for complying with national and EU rules in ethical matters and data management.

WP2 Investigation of Local Communities’ Cultural Heritage

Exploring and preserving local cultural essence

Under the coordination of the leading partner (P1), a joint research methodology will be elaborated during the first consortium meeting. Each partner will be responsible for tailoring this methodology to their particular study cases, in order to be able to provide evidence-based materials for creating relevant resources for local communities. However, each team will have enough independence in developing creative and innovative approaches, as long as they are communicated to the other national teams in order to enrich the overall research. The document analysis will be elaborated mirroring the semi-structured interview guide which will be applied for the oral history interviews including questions targeting recycling, schooling, place attachment, current needs, and relevant quality of life indicators (employment, education, social relations, governance, and environment). There will be at least one research and/or field trip organized by each partner in charge to study cases. Each fieldwork campaign will be followed by a working report to be presented and analysed in plenary meetings of the project transnational team. An essential part of this WP is offering tutoring, guidance and monitoring the research progress of the young scholars. All researchers will be trained in respecting all ethical principles assumed in the project, as to ensure the guarantee of personal data protection and a fair treatment for the interviewees. The legal documents to be used are standard to all teams, in accordance with national and European legislation on data protection. In addition, CNRS is the leading partner in implementing the tasks of monitoring the respect for the ethical principles concerning intellectual property, favouring ethnical diversity, gender equality and open, democratic, and unbiased dissemination of knowledge. All partners are, however, responsible for complying with national and EU rules in ethical matters.

WP3 Education, Training, and Networking

Empowering communities through education and connections

WP3 will focus on education for local communities, training for GLAM specialists, and developing a network to ensure communication flow between academics, local communities and stakeholders. The WP3 leading partner is CNRS, which has expertise in training. Moreover, Babeș-Bolyai University [BBU], CNRS, the University of Coimbra, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, and Maison du Patrimoine Medieval Mosan will have responsibilities in carrying out WP3 in order to achieve the proposed results. At the same time, Universitatea Tehnică Cluj-Napoca will be responsible with the creation of all VR/AR materials based on the research done under WP2.

WP4 Communication Dissemination and Exploitation of Results

Spreading knowledge and engaging stakeholders

WP4 falls under the responsibility of C.School for Creative Acts and it will be achieved by all partners involved in the project who will apply in their respective context the communication measures expressed in the strategy. C.School for Creative Acts will work closely with 23 Film Studio & Media SRL and receive content from all other partners. All partners will be equally responsible to perform all communication tasks within their respective national contexts. All team members are responsible for prompt communication, contributing to the development of the project and asking for explanations whenever needed. The communication strategy targets local communities, stakeholders, NGOs, local, national and EU policy-makers who will participate in round tables to discuss the policy briefs elaborated within the project.

WP5 Identifying Needs, Piloting and Replicating the Model

Transforming knowledge into local action

WP5 represents the transfer of know-how from academia to the local communities. For its implementation, Consorzio Materahub Industrie Culturali e Creative is the lead partner, given its expertise in facilitation activities, with the help and assistance of Fundatia Civitas pentru societatea civilă Cluj and Asset Technology EPE and based on the input offered both by the research partners and local communities. In order to identify the particular needs of the three pilot cases, the facilitators will organize meetings with citizens and stakeholders, and will provide suggestions for the development of oral history research in terms of getting input through research. Out of the case studies research, three will be piloted at this stage. One long-term outcome of the project is to establish a multifaceted guidance centre for all cultural professionals, open to those interested in local cultural history and heritage, such as schools, public authorities and private enterprises.

WP6 Ethics Requirements

Ensuring compliance with ethical standards

This work package sets out the 'ethics requirements' that the project must comply with.

Together, these workpackages aim to innovate, empower, and sustain cultural heritage through dynamic collaboratio


RESTORY – Recovering Past Stories for the Future: A Synergistic Approach to Textual and Oral Heritage of Small Communities HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions, Cluster 2 – Culture, Creativity, Inclusive Society, Pillar 2 of Horizon Europe, HORIZON-CL2-2023-HERITAGE-01-04, 101132781