Case Study Poland
Iwona Markuszewska (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Institute of Physical Geography and Environmental Planning) will conduct an interview-based case study discussing the resident’s affective and pragmatic connection to an area called Szachty (ca. 170 ha) located in the south-western part of the city of Poznań. Here, the 19th century extraction of ceramic materials (clays and tills) that led to the spatial expansion of the city produced several excavation zones, accompanied by brickyard factories. Although today obsolete, some buildings of the industrial-rural complex have survived in poor conditions, being used as residential and service buildings. Post-mining hollows (clay pits) were filling up with groundwater relatively quickly. Consequently, following 150 years of mining activity, more than 40 water ponds had been created. After the extraction activities ceased in the 1950s, the post-mining zone was deserted and unclaimed. Following years of neglect, this ecologically valuable ecosystem (a mosaic of water bodies, waterlogged areas, grass vegetation and woodlands) was rediscovered by residents of the city. The aim of the case study is to get to know the complex view of emotional relationships between members of local community living in a landscape that is under transformation. Detecting positive and negative affects towards the landscape will allow the development of adaptation strategies for rediscovering the landscape and restoring the public’s emotional connection to the homeland. Collected data and findings of content analysis of in-depth walking interviews, as well as an exhibition (expressing of emotional relations with landscape), will suggest what mechanisms should be created and what methods should be used to develop resilience scenarios.